Very different Warsaw

The best entertainment in Poland
After the complicated and awful past that Poland has been through in the Second World War, it shines even brighter, with a head held high, Poland has been destroyed many times, but their spirit refuses to give up. Nowadays the country is the hotspot of Eastern Europe, with medieval chic and energy that only few countries can combine in one. Woods, hills, rivers, everything that’s fresh, is Poland, you can get away from the traffic and modernism in countryside,where the nature stays unspoiled and remote, in few words a splendid solitude. Looking for challenge and modern beauty? Warsaw will take care of your urges, it’s not just the capital of the country, it’s also the center of best entertainment scene and also the principal business center of the country, but what’s so special about it?

Apart that Warsaw is very different, let’s start with the fact that the capital has been centered on an old market square, spread across very diverse architecture, from communist concrete to a very cold and modern glass and steel buildings, wrapped into a beautiful Gothic style. It’s rising from ashes, Warsaw was horribly destroyed during the World War II, but somehow it has rebuilt itself into a magnificent historical and cultural center, once even being called the Paris of the North, the old town of Warsaw lacks historical monuments .

Livable clubs and some of the best restaurants in country are located in the old town of Warsaw, you will eat your way to Poland in here, the prices are affordable and the food exquisite, here comes the biggest tip before you jump into food paradise. Forget about calories, Polish cuisine will make you eat a lot, the traditional meal includes a lot of meat, every pound you will gain will be worth the experience. Sausages, bread, mushroom, sour cream and many spices will be involved, many recipes have Jewish origin, but nowadays it’s growing, gaining few influences and adding some exotic tastes to beloved traditional dishes.

Wisla river is the same that flows through Krakow, it divides Warsaw in tow , into the right bank called Praga, which has no tourist attractions and the left bank , where you will find the major attractions of the city, and it’s also the Old Town, more to the north. Mushroom corporate towers are responsible for making Warsaw second construction site in the Central Europe, right next to Berlin. The central square is very atmospheric and fulfilled with many open air cafes and art stalls, where you will be able to buy some traditional socks and souvenirs. The main touristic hub is the Warsaw Historical Museum, displaying collections from the city’s painful past and tragedy during the Second World War. Make no mistake, Warsaw is not all about the sad past, it’s amazing and willing to go forward with a hope, and they do it pretty amazingly.

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