Thailand has approved the reduction of quarantine periods linked to international arrivals, but on one condition
After reopening its borders to tourists from all over the world, obviously maintaining adequate security measures, Thailand has approved the reduction of quarantine periods linked to international arrivals.
According to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), the mandatory isolation period has dropped to 7 days for tourists and international visitors who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19. The vaccination must be approved and registered with the Thai Ministry of Public Health or the WHO, no less than 14 days before the trip.
This is true, however, only for visitors who do not come from countries where the variants of the virus are more widespread. International tourists or travelers who will not be able to present a valid vaccination certificate to the International Port Health Control, will be subjected to a quarantine of no less than 10 days.

The quarantine period will therefore be reduced from 14 days / 15 nights to 10 days / 11 nights, even if the entire vaccination cycle has not been completed.
The vaccines accepted for entry into Thailand will be the following: ARS-CoV-2 (CoronaVac) from Sinovac (2 doses required); AZD1222 by AstraZeneca / Oxford (2 doses required); AZD1222 by SK BIOSCIENCE – AstraZeneca / Oxford (2 doses needed); BNT162b2 / CORMIRNATY – Tozinameran (INN) by Pfizer / BioNTech (2 doses required); Covishield (ChAdOx1_nCoV19) from the Serum Institute of India (2 doses required); Ad26.COV2.S from the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson (1 dose required) and Moderna mRNA-1273 (2 doses required).
For all people arriving from the 11 countries where coronavirus mutations and variants are present, namely (at present, according to the provisions of the Thai Ministry of Public Health): Botswana, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe will remain in effect The current 14-day quarantine period.

Specifically, during the quarantine in Thailand, tourists are required to undergo a molecular test on the fifth or sixth day of stay, if a 7-day quarantine is foreseen, while for that of 10, two tests are required between the third and the fifth day and between the ninth and tenth day of stay. Finally, those who have to observe the 14-day isolation will have to carry out three tests: on the day of arrival, on the sixth or seventh day and on the twelfth or thirteenth day. All arrivals are also subject to a tracking system for the specific period.
It is useful to know that, in order to enter Thailand, you must be in possession of the requirements established by the Thai government in recent months. These include a valid visa or re-entry permit, an entry certificate (COE) issued by the Thai Royal Embassy or Consulate and a health insurance policy for Covid-19 with a minimum coverage of almost 85,000 euros.
In addition, confirmation of the hotel reservation in a facility belonging to the Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) circuit and a medical certificate attesting the result of a molecular swab, issued no more than 72 hours before departure, will be required.