Can Tourist Hostels Help Ukrainian Refugees?

We would like to post today the article that Darren Overby posted on his blog and is about the possibility to help a Hostel.

“After my recent trip to Ukraine, I would like to ask you a question.

We often don’t like to think about these things but how could YOUR hostel serve the citizens of your country in an emergency?

I personally witnessed the resilience and the optimism of the Ukrainian people and made a video to share this profound experience with you.

I was in Chernivtsi to deliver medical supplies and other humanitarian relief when the owners of Dream Hostels Ukraine invited me to see the hostel they created for refugees. Quite amazingly, it took them just 3-1/2 weeks to convert an old vacant Soviet hotel into a safe hostel for mothers, children, and seniors! You just have to see the results. Since there is practically zero tourism in Ukraine at the moment, they have now also converted their other hostels as well. All of these hostels are now serving people who have had to flee their homes but have chosen not to leave their country.

Like most of us, Yevhen, Igor, and Max are hostel professionals who are experts in providing clean, safe, and comfortable accommodations for large numbers of people on a budget. In contrast to the miserable conditions in shelters and hostels created by governments, these hostels are full of community, camaraderie, and hope!

I invite you to learn more and help them if you can. Seriously, this is as easy as printing out a poster and displaying it in your hostel.

When they started their first refugee hostel, they set the cost for refugees at the ultra-low price of $5 per night. Now after a month of seeking donations, they have managed to lower this price to just $3.50 per night and all kids are allowed to stay for free (with their own beds).

If enough members donate or display this poster in their hostels, it will enable them to lower the overnight cost to FREE. Personally, I think this is a fantastic way for our industry to help support Ukrainian refugees and show how much we support freedom and international peace.

You can learn more about this program to help Ukrainian refugees here.”

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